Omaha Neighborhood Spotlight on Dundee/Elmwood Park
Published on 2020-02-05

In 1880, a construction firm was hired to build six homes between 48th & 52nd, Capitol to California Streets. They named Omaha’s first suburb, Dundee, after a similar development in Kansas City.
After an ad run in the Daily Herald in 1888 failed to produce the interest in Dundee the developers were hoping for, they began offering free lots and a $500 bonus for buyers that stayed at least a year.
The scheme paid off and large, single-family homes in the Colonial, Georgian and Tudor Revival styles began to go up both to the south of Dodge Street and north of Cuming Street. Dundee was annexed by the city of Omaha in June of 1915.
Since that time, the Dundee – Memorial Park neighborhood has grown and seen many transformations with its boundaries now including Leavenworth Street on the south, Hamilton Street on the north, Happy Hollow Boulevard on the West, and 46th Street on the east. Many residents are making additions and improvements to their properties and the neighborhood at large while maintaining the character and beauty that attracts homebuyers of all ages.
There are three schools located within the boundaries of Dundee – Elmwood Park. Dundee Elementary is a public elementary school with grades K-6 and is part of the Omaha Public Schools system. Brownell Talbot is a traditionally Episcopalian private school that includes grades pre-K – 12. St. Margaret Mary is a Catholic School, which serves students K-8.
Dundee Village, developed between 49th and 51st Streets on Underwood Avenue, houses Dundee’s fair share of the bars, restaurants, and businesses. Long-lasting establishments such as Dario’s Brasserie, Pitch Pizzeria, eCreamery, Amsterdam Falafal & Kabob, Dundee Dell, and the Dundee Cork & Bottle sidle up to newer kids on the block. Goldberg’s at 50th and Dodge is another longtime staple of the neighborhood. See the full list of restaurants, bars and shops.
There is no shortage of public parks in and around Dundee, the largest being Memorial Park was created for and dedicated to the men and women of Douglas County that served in the armed forces. The entrance to the park is at 6005 Underwood Avenue. Locals and visitors alike use the park’s walking paths and wide open green spaces for exercise and leisure.
Elmwood Park runs from Dodge to Leavenworth Streets on the Happy Hollow Boulevard border to the East and the University of Nebraska at Omaha to the West. The park was opened in 1889 and has seen regular additions and beautification ever since. There is also an 18-hole golf course and pond with fountain running through the park.
Metcalf Park is technically in the next-door neighborhood of Country Club, but it’s right on the border and many Dundee-Memorial Park residents visit this park as often as the others. The park takes up approximately two city blocks and caters to families with younger children due to the addition of state-of-the-art play sets, picnic tables, and plenty of shade trees.
Real Estate
Dundee – Elmwood Park is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in the city of Omaha. Homebuyers, who love the beauty and character of the neighborhood, can have a tough time finding a home in a neighborhood with fewer homes for sale than interested buyers. According to in April of 2019, the home values in the neighborhood have risen 7.6% over the past 12 months and they are predicting another 10.3% in the next year. The median home value is $240,700 and the median rent is $683 according to